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日期:2023年03月21日 08:50    作者:   来源:


Ø      名:王丹

Ø 职务/职称:讲师

Ø      址:山西省太原市万柏林区迎泽西大街79

Ø E-mailwangdantyut@163.com




2013-09 2020-06,中国农业大学,农业水土工程,博士

2018-09 2019-09,美国佛罗里达大学,农业与生物工程,博士联合培养

2009-09 2013-06,河北工程大学,农业水利工程,学士


1.节水灌溉理论与新技术  2.微喷灌水肥一体化技术




1)山西省科学技术厅,青年科学研究项目,20210302124248,覆膜滴灌配施有机肥对玉米生理生长和农田温室气体排放影响机制,2022-01 2024-125万元,在研,主持;


3)永利yl23411集团官网,青年科学基金,2022QN054,滴灌减氮配施有机肥的土壤固碳减排效应及玉米生长响应机制,2023-01 2025-121.5万元,在研,主持;






[1] Wang Dan, Mo Yan, Li, Guangyong, Carol Jo Wilkerson, Gerrit Hoogenboom. Improving maize production and decreasing nitrogen residue in soil using mulched drip fertigation, Agricultural Water Management, 2021, 251: 106871. (SCI Top1)

[2] Wang Dan, Guangyong Li, Mo Yan, Zhang Ding, Xu Xinhan, Carol Jo Wilkerson,

Gerrit Hoogenboom. Evaluation of subsurface, mulched and non-mulched surface drip irrigation for maize production and economic benefits in northeast China. Irrigation Science, 2020, 39(2): 159-171. (SCI 2)

[3] Wang Dan, Guangyong Li, Mo Yan, Cai Mingkun, Bian Xinyang. Evaluation of optimal nitrogen rate for corn production under mulched drip fertigation and economic benefits, Field Crops Research, 2018, 216: 225-233. (SCI Top1)

[4] Wang Dan, Li Guangyong, Mo Yan, Cai Mingkun, Bian Xinyang. Effect of planting date on accumulated temperature and maize growth under mulched drip irrigation in a middle-latitude area with frequent chilling injury, Sustainability, 2017, 9: 1500. (SCI 3)

[5] 王丹,韩聪颖,黄兴法. 宁夏引黄灌区不同群体密度下春小麦耗水规律和产量初探.灌溉排水学报,201534 (supp.2)155-158.(会议论文)

[6] Feng Dingrui, Li Guangyong, Wang Dan, Mierguli Wulazibieke, Cai Mingkun, Kang Jing, Yuan Zicheng, Xu Houcheng. Evaluation of AquaCrop model performance under mulched drip irrigation for maize in Northeast China, Agricultural Water Management, 2022, 261: 107372. (SCI Top1)

[7] Mo Yan, Li Guangyong, Wang Dan, Freddie R. Lamm, Wang Jiandong, Zhang Yanqun, Mingkun Cai, Shihong Gong. Planting and preemergence irrigation procedures to enhance germination of subsurface drip irrigated corn. Agricultural Water Management, 2020, 242: 106412. (SCI Top1)

[8] Mo Yan, Li Guangyong, Wang Dan, Chai Haidong, Zou Xiuming. Mechanism of sunlight damage on drip tape by pendant droplets in mulched drip irrigation. Transactions of the ASABE, 2018, 61(6): 1969-1975. (SCI 4)

[9] Mo Yan, Li Guangyong, Wang Dan. A sowing method for subsurface drip irrigation that increases the emergence rate, yield, and water use efficiency in spring corn. Agricultural Water Management, 2017, 179: 288-295. (SCI Top1)

[10] 莫彦, 李光永, 蔡明坤, 王丹, 徐新涵, 边新洋. 基于HYDRUS-2D模型的玉米高出苗率地下滴灌开沟播种参数优选, 农业工程学报, 2017, 33(17): 105-112. (EI)

[11] 李光永, 莫彦, 王丹, 蔡明坤. 一种可实现工业自动化管理的滴灌管网结构, 2017-4-6, 中国, CN201710220349.X  (发明专利)